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Single-channel video, running time 02:19. 2002.

Apraxia depicts two senior synchronized swimmers. Filmed upside down and underwater, the women seem to defy gravity. The word Apraxia describes the loss or disruption of motor coordination, yet here it is associated with images of spiritual freedom and physical power. The soundtrack blends an emotionally uplifting piano solo with sounds from a standardized hearing test. Apraxia encourages a reexamination of assumptions about strength, ageing, beauty, and femininity

bullet Exhibition brochure, Currier Museum of Art
bullet Morales, René: "Videos in Progress: Janet Biggs." Exhibition essay. Rhode Island School of Design Museum. May, 2004.
bullet Sozanski, Edward J.: "Bodies in Motion." Philadelphia Inquirer. 4 December 2004.



Janet Biggs Video Installation Apraxia - Video Still 1

Janet Biggs Video Installation Apraxia - Video Still 2

Janet Biggs Video Installation Apraxia - Video Still 3


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